Services for tourists


Information and assistance for tourists in english and spanish through its call center, information offices and delegates.

Direct liaison with embassies, consulates, ministries, institutions, local authorities and rescue teams.

Safety recommendations, routes, destinations and tourist services.

Assistance in case of problems with tourist services, loss of objects or theft.

Execution of preventive plans in response to tourist events.

Security coordination for tourist groups.

Escort Services

The Tourist Assistance Departament of INGUAT, in coordination wih the Ministry of the Interior and the Tourist Security Division of the National Police provide escort services for the protection of tourists who carry out tourism activities in the country.

This service is requested by completing an online form which can be requested by sending a message via WhatsApp to the number +502 5188-1819 or by clicking on the button found at the end of this text.


The online form must be completed and submitted with a minimum of 72 hours in advance.

Completing this form does not constitute confirmation of accompaniment. It remains at the disposal of the Tourist Security Division depending on its availability.

Submitting an incomplete form could result in the rejection of your application.

Types of Escort Services

In Route Escort:

Este servicio es para turistas que desean únicamente acompañamiento en ruta durante su traslado a un destino turístico. Si requiere acompañamiento en fechas distintas, deberá de completar un formulario por cada trayecto. Por ejemplo: Completar una solicitud para la ida y otra para el retorno.

Permanent Escort:

This service is for tourists who want permanent accompaniment throughout their trip, this includes accompaniment en route and in tourist destinations.

Before completing the form and requesting the service, read the description of the form to verify the requirements.

United in prevention

An Alliance between:

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